I'd like to introduce to some, and reacquaint to others a little invention which I have thoroughly enjoyed over the past three weeks: The Diaper Genie.
Ironically, me "enjoying it" consists of being able to ignore it, because of this canister's contents. If you are as intelligent as you look, you'd have figured out that the contents are none other than dirty diapers. The premise of this product is to safely contain its gooey insides.

The purpose of this post, though, is to provide a multimedia how-to on using it. So without further ado:
With dirty diaper condensely packaged (with the weight and feel of a baseball), step on the foot-activated lever to open top lid. The foot-activated lever not only opens the top lid, but it also disengages a clamp just under the top lid. When the foot-activated lever is at rest, the lid is shut and the clamp cuts off unpleasant odours - maintaining room freshness.

Toss the diaper into the top orifice and take your foot off of the foot-activated lever. This situation is not unlike those seen in many exciting sports (like this one, this one, and - my favourite - this one). How much enthusiasm or creativity you use to toss the diaper is up to you, but 360ยบ, through the legs, or no-look are all interesting options and are sure to please.
Open the Diaper Genie by pressing in the button located half-way up the canister. It uses a plastic Snap Fit Joint to keep the two Diaper Genie halves together.

Cut the plastic bag using the convenient cutter, which is labelled "CUTTER". The process is easy to manage, even for the simplest of minds. That's one of the reasons why I like this product!

Once cut, tie both ends of the plastic bag. Any type of knot is OK.

Pull a generous amount of the bagging from the empty half (the half not containing dirty diapers). Remove the package of dirty diapers (note that the bag will be heavier than you think) and toss into the garbage. Close up the Diaper Genie.

You have now gone through a typical life cycle of Diaper Genie usage. Note that once the plastic bag feed runs out, you can conveniently buy a new one. They just poop pop into place.
So instead of belittling me for what my life has become (I did, after all, just blog about throwing soiled diapers in the garbage!), I hope you reflect on the joys of parenting, what it means to be a dad, and the similarities of baby products and kitchen products.
What about you? Do you think the Diaper Genie just a luxurious extravagance? If you have/had kids, did you use one? If you didn't, how did you manage? Is the smell really not all that bad?