Whether you are a family member of mine, a friend, or an anonymous blog hopper, I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog. This blog is meant to keep loved ones updated on my life, with particular emphasis on my little boy: Bradley Hudson Paterson.
When I was thinking about creating a blog, I pondered how I would give my blog some pizzaz. I wondered what my style was going to be - what persona would I release to the masses? I knew I wanted to blog about the ups and downs of parenthood, but what spin would I put on it? Would I try to be funny and sarcastic? Logical and structured? Serious and to-the-point? Having fruitlessly analyzed my life, I decided that I would be all these things (and more!).
I hope that through this blog, you learn more about me: my thoughts, my dreams, my day-to-day, my experiences being a dad. Because in the end, I am an amalgam of so many alloys of life:
• I am a twenty-something,
• I am a Christian,
• I am married,
• I am now a father (!!!),
• I am Canadian,
• I am an Engineering graduate (and EIT),
• I am a hockey official, and
• I love sports!
So please remember how to find me (in order of tech-savvyness): add http://mylifebeingadad.blogspot.com to your RSS feed reader, bookmark this website, email yourself the url, or write the url down on a piece of paper.
I look forward to sharing with you the happenings of my life...being a dad.
• Photo - S. Cornette,
• Final push to start this blog - R. Kieley
I think your goal should be to be Logical and Sarcastic with a hint of the Dramatic.